
Lazar Lazarovski R.T., B.S.
President of JL Radiology & Medical Imaging Education

Lazar Lazarovski has been in the field of Radiology and Medical Imaging since 2005. He received his degree and license to practice radiography from New York City College of Technology (CUNY). Since graduating he has worked for the #1 world leader in orthopedics according to U.S. News & World Report, the Hospital for Special Surgery (2005-2017) as a Radiologic Technologist where he set a record, 71 exams performed in a 7.5 hour shift. In 2012, Mr. Lazarovski earned his Bachelor degree in Health Services Administration and has dedicated his time to the advancement of Medical Imaging education by founding JL Radiology and Medical Imaging Education (JLRMIE).

JLRMIE would like to thank the staff at New York City College of Technology, in particular Evans Lespinasse and Mary Alice Browne. We would also like to thank Nenad Mitić, Katie Cortiglia, Erica Steinhardt-Dellis and Alina Liberatos for their diligent and faithful participation, as well as Meg Ann Wilhoite and Steven Mann for their excellent musicianship.

A special thank you to Joseph Hoops and Danielle Smilowitz for their ongoing encouragement and financial support. We would also like to give a special thanks to everyone at JB Design (J Berry, Raeanne Nuzzo and Ben Mills) for their amazing work on this website. Finally, JLRMIE would like to thank everyone within the body of Christ for their ongoing prayers. It is a reminder that although we control our effort, it is always God who controls the outcome, as we are even aware that it is He who enables our effort. May the glory be His always in all that we do (1 Cor. 10:31).